Sparks Commissions:
Shawn Chang: forthcoming, 2023 *Natalie Draper: She Who Continues, poetry by Judy Grahn *Rachel DeVore Fogarty: From the Woolworth Tower, poetry by Sara Teasedale *John Glover: After Him, poetry by Michael Kelly, C.P. Cavafy, and Frank O’Hara *Reinaldo Moya: Ciudad perdida, poetry by Adalber Salas Hernández *Nailah Nombeko: Nobody Knows, poetry by Mahzi Kane Shawn Okpebholo: Freedom on the Move - Songs in Flight, poetry by Tsitsi Jaji, Crystal Simone Smith, and Tjehimba Jess (forthcoming, 2023) Kamala Sankaram: 8 Phases of Luna, poetry by Mark Campbell Andrew Staniland: Earthquakes and Islands, poetry by Robin Richardson *Andrew Staniland: Ramadan 20 Vs. Covid 19, poetry by jessica Care moore Sparks Premieres:
Mark Baechle: Dear Mayor, texts compiled and edited by Mark Campbell Tom Cipullo: An Island in Autumn, poetry by Robert Cole Juliana Hall: Of That so Sweet Imprisonment, poetry by James Joyce Bruce Sled: Sestina, poetry by Lloyd Schwarz *Alan Smith: Surfing the thin Places, poetry by the composer
Over 200 songSLAM world premieres, selections of which are published through New Music Shelf
*Starred titles will be published via E.C. Schirmer’s Sparks & Wiry Cries Art Song Series available HERE, summer of 2022.