"As Sancho Panza, Seth Carico gives a vital, powerful, benevolently present performance of the servant who, shaking his head, follows his master into his consuming madness, but remains faithful even beyond his master's death. Carico dominates his idiomatic performance with vital power of tone." -Opernkritik Berlin
"Seth Carico in the servant role of Sancho Panza is to be mentioned in the first place - also according to the strength of applause. The spiritual brother of Leporello, he also sings an aria about infidelity. Carico has a broad bass-baritone with good depth, a strong middle register and a great high range. Above all, however, he presents a figure on the stage, who is human, sympathetic, and infinitely touching in his final grief and helplessness." -Online Merker
"In Seth Carico he [Alex Esposito] has an excellent Sancho Panza at his side. His profound bass is so similar to his master's that he always resembles his alter ego." -Kieler Nachrichten
"The American bass baritone Seth Carico captivates with the colours and flexibility of his voice and leaves nothing to be desired in terms of his acting, even embodying the horse Rosinante in addition to Sancho." -Der Opernfreund
"Alex Esposito and Seth Carico offer magnificent voices, Carico on top of that with unique caricatures." -Neue Musikzeitung
"Seth Carico is known to the Berlin audience as an agile and powerful bass, making him a firm anchor in the plot and the music as Sancho Panza. He accompanies his master not only through the imagined world, but also merges with him as his alter ego. In the duet of the two basses, this often makes it difficult to tell who is singing what." -Kunstdunst
"Seth Carico carries the joyful Alex Esposito over the stage as Sancho Panza. A male friendship to the tragic end . . . Seth Carico as Sancho Panza and Alex Esposito in the title role are fantastic. As cheerfully rebellious, extremely mobile basses, the two of them drive the action forward. One would happily follow them." -Berliner Morgenpost